Tips For Creating A Great Dating Profile

The first step to hooking up is creating a great profile. If your profile is poorly written and doesn't sell you, you won't get any messages and everyone will turn away from your profile. But if you get your profile right, women will be intrigued and message you to learn more. This is the hook that will help you move forward and use your charm to push things further.

We tested dozens of different profiles to see what works and what doesn't with women on these sites. Based on our findings, here are some of the best tips for writing your profile we can give you to maximize your chances of getting laid.

Just be yourself

You might have heard that the key to getting girls is to "be yourself". However, this is not entirely true. While it's important to be honest, everyone can improve themselves. You don't have to lie, but you should present a persona that girls find attractive. Confidence is a mindset, so if you believe you are confident, you will become so. Act in ways that are irresistible to women - be confident, charming, strong, and fun - and you will become irresistible to them.

This is especially true when it comes to hooking up. You are creating a fantasy for women, and they don't want to hook up with just any ordinary guy. They want someone a bit special. If you can be their stand-in, then you're already ahead of the competition.

Confidence is also key when messaging girls. Having a great profile is a good start, but make sure you take the lead in getting the date. That's what these women want.

Be a class act

Acting crass is the worst thing you can do in your profile. Too much dirty talk or pornographic detail is an immediate turn-off to most women. Girth, length, and explicit descriptions of what you want to do to them or what you want them to do to you are the best ways to get no hookups whatsoever.

Instead, be classy. While it's fine to be looking for a hookup, talking only about sex or saying so smacks of desperation. You want to come across as a guy who is just looking for a good time with quality women (even if you're aiming lower - you still need to treat the girl with dignity). Crafting a smart profile for dating and hookups is key to standing out from the crowd. 99% of guys on these sites don't think about how they come across to women or how they're selling themselves, and are only interested in themselves, which comes across in their profiles and immediately turns girls away.

About your profile picture

If you have a great body, show it off! Do you like pictures of women showing a lot of cleavage, a great ass, or killer legs? Of course you do. So why is it strange that girls like pictures of guys with great abs, pecs, or arms? Remember, this is about hooking up. If you work hard in the gym to impress women, why hide it in your profile picture? You are exactly the kind of guy these girls dream about hooking up with - someone who is strong and muscular and that they can boast to their friends about: "You should have seen this guy I hooked up with last night. He was super buff!"

So if you have a great body, make sure you use it to create the fantasy talked about earlier. If you don't have a great body, it may be a good idea to the gym. It will definitely increase your chances of hooking up. Also, look at the other advice here and use it to your advantage. We've all seen average-looking guys with hot women. Their confidence and charm is what got them there.

When writing about yourself

Remember, this is not a long term relationship dating site. You don't need to demonstrate how much you care for puppies or your philanthropic endeavors. Women on these sites are seeking something forbidden. They want a strong, confident partner, so don't hesitate to show that in your text.

After analyzing over 20 profile descriptions, we've compiled examples of good dating profiles for hooking up, along with the top three that received responses from women:

"Whether I'm jamming with my band or playing some acoustic tunes, music is a big part of my life. I'm a 26-year-old who's forging my own path in life."

"As a 6-foot-tall college quarterback and investor, I'm just looking for some good fun with some amazing girls."

"I'm a foodie who enjoys exploring different restaurants and dishes, as well as hiking, camping, and other outdoor activities."

Hope this helps!

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